Ever wanted to develop a mobile application version of a WordPress website using HTML, jQuery and CSS? Well, it's possible. The Dog Sniffer App is a mobilized version of DogSniffer.com, that allows browsing of listings based on your Geolocation, Registration and Sign In, as well as reviewing of listings that then populate the website - real time.

DogSniffer App
Currently Available on the Google Play Store from Android devices, you can download this Free App and access all of Dog Sniffers features:
Mobile App Features
Although still in Development Progression, the currently live App contains most features available on the Dog Sniffer browser application itself.
- Search Listings by Category, Geolocation, Keyword
- Toggle Results between Map and List View.
- Access Directions, Map, Related Listings and Reviews of individual listings.
- Register directly through the App on Dog Sniffer, or sign in using an existing account.
- Submit your own listings or rate and review existing ones in real-time.
- and much more to come!

Coming Soon
Many other features that are currently on DogSniffer.com will soon be made available on the Dog Sniffer App's upcoming releases.
Step-by-Step App Development Tutorial
In the coming weeks I intend to publish tutorials of the necessary steps taken to accomplish each aspect of the Application.
Starting with the choices of jQuery Frameworks to the Uploading to PhoneGap Build, as well as generating of iOS development certificates, to synchronizing with your WordPress website.
Subscribe to get notified once more content is released.
Said on Aug 24, 2015 by htethtet -
Said on Aug 24, 2015 by htet htet -
Said on Apr 10, 2016 by TIm -