Another highly seeked Magento import feature that Magmi easily takes care of is the importing of custom options and tier pricing.
To revisit other tutorials of Magmi Importing see the below index:
Import Custom Options

To import custom options, one has to add a column with the column heading stating the custom option name, type, whether its required or not and, optionally, the sorting number, separated by colons: [Name]:[Type]:[Is Required]:[sort number]
. For example, to add a custom option to product called "Product Size", with a radio button selection that is required, it would look like: Product Size:radio:1
Below that, options are added to a cell per product row, separated with a vertical line: Option 1|Option 2|Option 3
. For the example, our sizes would then be Small|Medium|Large
To attach a price change, first decide whether the price will have a fixed or percentage price change, identical to the default Magento custom options behaviour. So, to make the first price match the product price, and to add a $2 change per size increase, it would look like: Small:fixed:0.00|Medium:fixed:2.00|Large:fixed:4.00
Optionally, you can import the custom option SKU and sort number by adding those to the syntax: Small:fixed:0.00:[sku]:[position]|Medium:fixed:2.00...
Several other methods are described on the Magmi Wiki page.
Import Magento Tier Pricing

Importing Tier Pricing in Magento is as easy as the above method if not easier. You can include multiple customer groups per product in an import, each column being its own customer group. A column header for tier pricing looks like: tier_price:[customer_group]
. For all customer groups, including logged out users, you would use tier_price:_all_
in the column header, or for a specific group, which you can add in addition to other tier pricing columns, it could look something like tier_price:wholesale
For each of these columns in the product row, simply state the minimum quantity and the price, separated by a column, and each price step by a semicolon. So, to make a price per product become $4.99 if the quantity is 12 or above, and make it $4.49 when its 24 or above, you would write 12:4.99;24:4.49
in the products cell under the corresponding group column.
Said on Feb 11, 2013 by Artin -
Said on Apr 14, 2013 by Maude Couteaux -
Said on Sep 12, 2013 by Lucien Laffargue -
Said on Nov 14, 2013 by Andrew -
Said on Feb 19, 2014 by Manoj Sonawane -
Said on Apr 10, 2014 by Amydu -
Said on Dec 10, 2014 by CHANDRA BHUSHAN -
Said on Dec 14, 2016 by Stefan -